If you are searching for new ways to create more engaging posts in instagram, you might wanna check out the data provided in the insight section because that’s where you can find useful hints for creating more engaging posts.
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Create More Engaging Posts In Instagram
So today I’m gonna tell you 4 steps that will help you create much more engaging posts based on the data provided by instagram.
This is a data driven strategy that will help you create more engaging posts.
In this strategy we will use the details about our current enaged users,the most engaged posts and the most active time of our users, to create more engaging posts.
So the steps are:
Step 1: know your engaged audience
Check out the engaged user section
Step 2: Check out your most engaged posts
Find the posts with most content interactions and check out these things:
- Content of the post (image or video)
- Post type
- Caption (long or short, sentiment, narration)
- Hashtags ( number of hashtags,how related are to post topics, how related are to page topics, how related are to each other)
- Location
Step 3: Find out the best time to share content
Find out the active time of your followers
Step 4: Create the new posts based on the data
Create your new posts based on the data you just gathered.
+ Quick Tips for more engagement:
- ask for people’s opinion
- Ask people to share the post (you could mention different reasons for that like share it with your love ones or etc)
- Create challenging posts (different groups of people will try to prove their points)
- Create posts with incomplete information (you can consciously remove some info from your posts so that the users will ask about it or try to complete it)