How do I write the best caption for my instagram page?!
What words should I use to get more engagement ?
Are there certain words that will make my posts more engaging?!
Let’s answer those questions
I’ve checked and analyzed over thousands of instagram post captions and I prepared a list of top words and top emojis that you can use, these words and emojis were used frequently in posts with high engagement rate.
Also I’ll share some tips to create more engaging posts.
Let’s see them
Instagram Caption Tips To Get More Engagement
1.know your audience
2.keep it simple and friendly
3.keep it short but not incomplete
4.say something extra
5.use emojis
6. Aks questions
7.Create story
8.use trends
9.use powerful words
Top Engaging Words For Instagram Caption
These words were used frequently in posts with high engagement rate.
- Amazing
- Awesome
- Awkward
- Aggressive
- Anxious
- Adorable
- Badass
- Beauty
- Brutal
- Blessing
- Boom
- Bravo
- Brilliant
- Cash
- Challenge
- Confession
- Critical
- Crushing
- Classic
- Cutest
- Dangerous
- Delightful
- Delicious
- Dirty
- Discount
- Dreamer
- Dreamy
- Excited
- Extraordinary
- Epic
- Explore
- Failure
- Forbidden
- Free
- Fabulous
- Fearless
- Feelings
- Feels
- Fierce
- Fire
- Focus
- Giveaway
- Greed
- Goals
- Gold
- Grateful
- Heartbreaking
- Highest
- Happiness
- Illegal
- Incredible
- Ideal
- Inspiration
- Inspired
- Legendary
- Luxury
- Magic
- Mood
- Natural
- No
- Nostalgia
- Obsessed
- Original
- Perfect
- Progress
- Random
- Ready
- Respect
- Speechless
- Thankful
- Unforgettable
- Uncensored
- Unbelievable
- Unauthorized
- Unlock
- Unreliable
- Vibes
- Whatever
- Yes
Top Engaging Emojis For Instagram Caption
😂 | Face with Tears of Joy | Extreme happiness or laughter |
❤️ | Red Heart | Love (red by default, but meaning is same for any color) |
😍 | Smiling Face with Heart-Eyes | Love or adoration |
🤣 | Rolling on the Floor Laughing | Intense or hysterical laughter |
😊 | Smiling Face with Smiling Eyes | Positive or happy |
🙏 | Person with Folded Hands | Prayer, thank you, and sometimes a high five |
💕 | Two Hearts | Romance or love is in the air |
😭 | Loudly Crying Face | Uncontrollable tears, perhaps due to sadness or joy |
😘 | Face Throwing a Kiss | Kissing someone, or general expression of love |
👍 | Thumbs Up Sign | Well done, good job, or approval |
😅 | Smiling Face with Open Mouth and Cold Sweat | Relief, nerves, or excitement |
👏 | Clapping Hands Sign | Round of applause in celebration |
😁 | Grinning Face with Smiling Eyes | Glowing, beaming happiness |
🔥 | Fire | Hot or excellent |
💔 | Broken Heart | Grief, loss, or longing |
💖 | Sparkling Heart | Extra special love, sometimes playful |
😢 | Crying Face | Upset or in pain |
🤔 | Thinking Face | Pondering or questioning |
😆 | Smiling Face with Open Mouth and Tightly-Closed Eyes | Great excitement or happiness |
🙄 | Face With Rolling Eyes | Sarcasm or boredom |
💪 | Flexed Biceps | Strength or fitness |
😉 | Winking Face | Joking or being cheeky |
☺️ | Smiling Face | Happy or positive |
👌 | OK Hand Sign | Okay or correct |
🤗 | Hugging Face | Hugging (love and support) or jazz hands (enthusiasm) |
😔 | Pensive Face | Reflective or remorseful |
😎 | Smiling Face with Sunglasses | Cool or confident |
😇 | Smiling Face with Halo | Angelic or innocent |
🌹 | Rose | Romance or to be used on a special occasion |
🤦 | FacePalm | Frustrated or dumbfounded |
🎉 | Party Popper | Celebration or congratulations |
💞 | Revolving Hearts | A whirlwind of love |
✌️ | Victory Hand | Peace or success |
✨ | Sparkles | Positive, happy, or celebration |
🤷 | Shrug | Indifference or unknowing |
😱 | Face Screaming in Fear | Shocked or scared |
😌 | Relieved Face | Content or calm |
🌸 | Cherry Blossom | Love or to be used on a special occasion |
🙌 | Person Raising Both Hands in Celebration | Celebrating with hands in the air |
😋 | Face Savoring Delicious Food | Cheeky, poking fun, or enjoying food |
😏 | Smirking Face | Mischievous or flirting |
🙂 | Slightly Smiling Face | Happy, but often used ironically |
🤩 | Grinning Face with Star Eyes | Amazed, impressed, or excited |
😄 | Smiling Face with Open Mouth and Smiling Eyes | Great happiness |
😀 | Grinning Face | Elevated happiness |
😃 | Smiling Face with Open Mouth | Happiness |
💯 | Hundred Points Symbol | 100 percent approval |
🙈 | See-No-Evil Monkey | Hiding, cringing, or in disbelief |
👇 | Backhand Index Pointing Down | Pointing down |
🎶 | Multiple Musical Notes | Three eighth notes, for singing or music |